Medi One is perhaps the easiest-to-use organic base nutrient on the market. Accompanied by a cornucopia of supplements like Ocean Magic, Vitathrive, Massive, and Rezin, the 1 Part Medi One Feed Program is sure to impress. Perfect for indoor or outdoor soil/soilless gardens, Medi One is the choice pick for growers who want to produce a clean harvest, free of any harsh or insoluble chemicals. Before committing your garden to the Medi One Feed Program, consult a description of each supplement included in the schedule below.
Green Planet Medi One Complete Nutrient Pack Contents:
- Medi One
- Ocean Magic
Massive Bloom Formulation: Additive Nutrient
Rezin: Additive Nutrient
Liquid Weight: Additive Nutrient
Medi One: Base Nutrient
Medi One is an OMRI-listed, one-part, organic base nutrient. Composed from multiple organic sources including hydrolyzed, slow-steamed Atlantic Menhaden, sea kelp, and naturally sourced potassium sulfate, Medi One boasts an impressive, yet balanced N-P-K ratio of 4-3-3; and, because of the slow steaming of inert ingredients during the manufacturing process, Medi One is an overflowing reservoir of important micronutrients like copper, boron, manganese, and zinc. Additionally, unlike other organic fertilizers, which are usually manufactured and sold in powdered or soluble form, Medi One’s liquid form offers plants instant nutrient availability.
Ocean Magic: Additive Nutrient
Ocean Magic is a vegetative and flowering additive derived from cold-pressed Atlantic Sea Kelp that delivers a variety of benefits to your plants. The wealth of ingredients found in Ocean Magic supports a number of functional properties such as rooting and the reduction of environmental and plant stress. Used as either a root-soak or foliar spray, Ocean Magic contains special plant hormones including auxins, cytokinins and gibberellins, which have been linked to promoting vigorous growth, branching, and increased resistance to stress in plants (Stirk & Staden, 2014, p. 127).
Massive Bloom Formulation is GreenPlanet’s premier flowering additive, formulated with all of the necessary macro and micro-elements required to achieve an increase in flower size. As well as providing several additional beneficial properties, such as L-amino acids and a source of carbohydrates, Massive is the perfect blooming supplement to pair with the aggressive elements in the Dual Fuel program.
Rezin: Additive Nutrient
Rezin is GreenPlanet’s flowering additive formulated to enhance the natural processes within flowering plants that produce flavour and aroma. With no PPM, Rezin can be used with any base nutrient program until harvest to produce large, sugar-coated flowers. Now known for enhancing the “entourage effect” (Russo, 2019, para. 17), Rezin is one proprietary supplement that is a must-have for any quality-driven garden.
Liquid Weight: Additive Nutrient
Liquid Weight is a supplement blend of simple carbohydrates that support beneficial microbial life in the root zone. This leads to an increase in the absorption of essential nutrients that help develop impressive aromatic flowers and fruits. Plants spend an amazing amount of energy-releasing sugars like cellulose into the root zone; so, by supplementing your plant’s expenditures with additional carbs, you can be sure the beneficial microbes in your soil will be plentifully fed, which in turn will support the cultivation and growth of your living medium.