Supplied by: Cutleaf Seeds by Northern Wildflowers
Tender immature leaves are excellent in salads, while mature leaves have a flavour milder than spinach and are excellent cooked. Mature leaves can be blanched and frozen for winter enjoyment.
- Full Sun
- 56 Days
- Approx. 60 Seeds
- Heirloom
- Up to 24" tall
- 96% Germination Rate (2023 test)
Companions: Cabbage, Turnips, Tomatoes
Growing Instructions:
Germinates best at 24°C in moist soil.
Plant Spacing : 4-12" apart. Row Spacing: 18" apart.
Benefits from loose, well-drained soil with plenty of organic matter and nitrogen. Direct Seed: ½ inch deep once soil can be worked in the spring.